A Papuan cocoa farmer from the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea border region had to leave her farm to work for a palm plantation when the village elders made a deal with a Rajawali Group company to sell her land. Every day Kasmira works hard under the boiling hot sun, clearing bushes for the plantation. However, she has great hopes for her three children.

What Mama Kasmira Wants

PLACE: Keerom, Jayapura
DIRECTOR: Yuliana Langowuyo

A Papuan cocoa farmer from the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea border region had to leave her farm to work for a palm plantation when the village elders made a deal with a Rajawali Group company to sell her land. Every day Kasmira works hard under the boiling hot sun, clearing bushes for the plantation. However, she has great hopes for her three children.

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Mama Kasmira Pu Mau

DURASI: 06:25
TEMPAT: Keerom, Jayapura
DIREKTUR: Yuliana Langowuyo

Wambes, Arso, menjadi saksi hidup Mama Kasmira. Petani cokelat ini harus meninggalkan ladangnya dan bekerja di perkebunan kelapa sawit, ketika para tetua desa menjual lahannya pada perusahaan Rajawali Group. Sebagai perempuan, ia tak punya suara. Suaranya boleh dibungkam, namun tidak dengan harapannya terhadap ketiga buah hatinya, yang menjadi penyemangat saat ia bermandi terik matahari di perkebunan yang terletak di perbatasan Indonesia dan Papua New Guinea.

Download Panduan Belajar Mama Kasmira Pu Mau (pdf)