Awin Meke
PLACE: Jayapura
DIRECTOR: Cyntia Warwe
Papuan women traders struggle to sell their goods in modern Jayapura. In their first fight, the women won a space to set up shop. However, local city administrators backed out of their promise to support them by opening a competing market, run by non-Papuans, which sells the same goods. ‘Awin’ is ‘mother’ in the Biak language, and ‘meke’ means ‘belonging’ in the Wamena language, so the mamas refer to ‘awin meke’ as ‘what belongs to us’.
Awin Meke
DURASI: 07:11
TEMPAT: Jayapura
DIREKTUR: Cyntia Warwe
“Kita itu kecewa di atas kecewa,” demikian curahan hati seorang mama di Papua. Permintaan mereka sederhana: tempat layak untuk berjualan. Perjuangan sejak tahun 2002 ini pun kerap kali berhadapan dengan tembok tebal dan lagi-lagi pepesan kosong. Hingga kini, terik matahari tetap menjadi teman setia saat berjualan. Hasil kebun yang menjadi barang dagangan sering kembali dibawa pulang karena tak laku. Sementara mereka harus bersaing dengan orang-orang dari luar Papua yang justru mendapat kesempatan lebih besar dari pemerintah untuk berjualan. Tak adakah pintu yang terbuka bagi mama-mama Papua?
Selamat malam dan Selamat datang di upacara adat BAKAR BATU PAPUAN VOICES!
Why have the AFP and EY gone to so much trouble to prcoett a racist? Even the Israelis put their hands up for their human abuses in Palestine, occasionally. What has never come out on Blan and Black on this issues is that Pepe assaulted both the Commissioner and others on ACT Government premises all of which were reported to Tu Pham and nothing was done. Hell she even admitted on the stand in court that the Commissioner complained to her about racism shortly after his appointment. What did she do? Fuck all! WHY? Because Aborigines have no rights in the ACT which is the Capital of Australia. The next issue is what are EY doing with Freeport in Papua, is this yet a further example of anti-black racism by EY?
Deepest heart felt Condolence is extended from this part of the world. Mako Tabuni Please Do Rest In Peace. The strgluge you left will be restlesly carry on.Mako Musa Tabuni, one of the icon of hope and strength in West Papuans’ strugle for Independence through Peace has been gunned down by the gutless colonial authority.The notion that the Indonesian Government have instructed special joint military, police and functionary groups in Papua can be supported from the facts that the military and other secretly armed functionary groups have stepped up operations in last two or so months against papuans and expatriates/foreigners. I infer that the instruction and operations by the Indonesian colonial authority against papuans is consequential effect of recent Genewa meet that review Indonesia’s human rights records. Where it was reported as about 70 countries called for the Indonesian Government and the military authority to improve human rights in Indonesian and especially in Papua provinces and open Papua for free access by foreign journalists and other visitors.Indonesian’s Marty Natalegawa the foreign minister was reported by one of Indonesia’s own human rights activitist who attended the meeting as was very upset.Though it is not the first time, what happening now ( special operations in papua) is a translated form of Indonesian Government being very upset. I can make inferences now that the Indonesian colonial authorities will continue to be upset and hence will continue to suppress and murder the papuans until that day, that one day when Papuans will be free.Ignatius Mujijauw